Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Kingsbury/Roberts Family!

Consider this your Christmas card! I know, we suck, but Merry Christmas anyway. Bryce hung his socks on the bells to get in a festive mood. Unfortunately, those are our only Christmas decorations. Next year, I promise, we will do up the Christmas holiday (we probably won't get around to a card though...doesn't mean we don't love you!)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Having mom and dad (grandpa and grandma) here has really progressed Bryce's reading skills. He doesn't really like to read right now, he would rather stand, but I caught him at the right moment. We are enjoying full nights of sleep now. Bryce is on a pretty good schedule thanks the book the baby whisperer. He naps in the crib. He went to his first day of day care last Friday and survived. Bryce had his first snow. So many changes in one month!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bryce's Karate Arms

This is Bryce's Grandpa Ron's creation. Bryce uses his latest arm techniques to show his Karate moves. Grandma Carla and Grandpa Ron are Nannying this week. The Yakima temperature has gone below zero, so it is kind of a unique time here for us. Bryce has been demonstrating how he can adhere to his new napping, activities, and eating schedule. Cory and Damon are overjoyed with this latest stage of his development.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Oh we are so thankful for grandparents. Bryce just spent the last two weekends visiting grandparents in Gig Harbor and then in Boise. He did great travelling. He had a little bit of a hard time dealing with hanging in the hotel. He likes to travel but appears to hate hotels. In Gig Harbor he got to meet the elusive Dairy monster. While we were visiting Dairy my parents were afraid Dairy was on his last leg and they woke up to him eating a rat he dragged in from outside. Yum. The video starts out from two weeks ago and ends with today. Decide for yourself, but I am pretty sure the last footage proves he is a genius. We are still struggling with lots of wake ups in the night and some daytime fussiness that will rattle your brain. Since we have started a daily formula feeding, we are questioning if that is it. We also have confirmation that Bryce will be able to go to the childcare place we wanted. We are really happy about that, now we are crossing our fingers that he doesn't get kicked out, being a tortured genius and all. Now cross your fingers for some sleep!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving All!
There is so much to be thankful for this year!!!
sleep (well I would be thankful for that)
But not turkey on the carcass
or stuffing

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Damon takes over

Quotes from stay-at-home dad Damon:
1. Curious George is outdated, now he would be smoking crack and doing drive bys.
2. I hate to admit it, but Raffi is the answer. (Raffi is really bad kid music- sorry mom)
3. I know the doctor won't tell us it is our fault that Bryce's belly button hasn't healed, but I am going to look it up on the internet. (I am pretty sure it is not our fault)

Monday, November 9, 2009

10 weeks old

Today was the first day Bryce got to stay home with his daddy. He gave him a run for his money. Which made him really tired and gave me a relaxing night. I would like to be snoozing in bed with Bryce and Kitty, but we are staying up until 8 pm tonight. Only and hour and 15 minutes to go.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a big month, made it through all of October, and Bryce still has cool hair. He is going to end up like the Fonz or something and not anyone touch his hair. Kitty has taken to cleaning it if we don't bath him enough. Not sure if this makes his hair cleaner or dirtier. Bryce made it through his first trip to the West side and he travels pretty easy, lucky us. He met his great Grandma. He went to a shower that my mom's friend's put on and charmed all the ladies. He also had his Aunt Sandy come for a visit and take care of him for two whole days. Thanks Sandy! He had his first stay in a hotel this past week for a school psychology conference. We were past our parental experience on this one, but we made it, and learned a lot. Like a motel is probably better than a hotel so you don't have to schlep all that crap into the lobby and up the elevator. And bring your own food so you don't have to keep running out for take out when all you want to do is hide in your room. He dressed up for Halloween for about two seconds. He is looking forward to taking on November, after his parents get some sleep.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We made it to week 7. It is crazy to see how much he has changed. Bryce is doing so good. He lets us know when he needs something and other than that he pretty much rolls with stuff. He made it through a shower my mother's friend's generously threw and he charmed all the ladies. He slept all the way to Gig Harbor and back, to our relief. I stayed home with him today and it was so easy to take care of him, not that easy to get anything else done. I went to my final doctor's appointment yesterday. Of course, it was comedy. I sat there forever, then they finally took me back, they were like, why are you here. I told them I was there for 6 week check up. 'Oh, well we don't know why you are scheduled with this doctor'. 'That is the doctor that did my c section'. 'She doesn't normally do these appointments'. 'Okay?' 'I'll go see if I can get her.' Then a student came in, which is fine. So we chit chatted while I am in my paper robe. She said, 'I am not going to do an exam, normally you don't do an exam when you already had one this year'. 'That sounds good'. Then the doctor came in and said, 'we do an exam since our population has a high amount of abnormal pap smears'. I wanted to scream...well I am not your normal population and I don't agree with doing exams based on a population not standard practice and I don't agree with you charging my insurance for an unneeded exam. You ever heard of Obama? I am sure you voted for him. I should have walked out, I hate myself for not walking out, but I stayed for some more abuse. I got a double pap smear that I didn't need so the student could practice. Cool. Then she said, 'oh I recognize you. it took me awhile because you have lost so much weight (i.e. you were really fat).' Done with them. Good riddance.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hard to find time....

To update the blog. I made it through my first week and a half of work. We are so thankful to have my parents here to watch Bryce this month. It makes it much easier to leave for work, but it has not been easy. So far I have been in a different school daily. Bryce is growing and eating like crazy. He seems to know who we are, or at least that I provide the food. He is smiling. He is sleeping 5-6 hours at a time in the night. He is pretty happy for the most part. Right now he is in the Ergobaby and I am sitting on the exercise ball bouncing with the music blaring. This made it so I could pay some bills and update the blog. We have enjoyed many visitors this month which we have loved and know it is our turn to head the other direction. I stole the following pictures from some of visitors. The video is from today almost 6 weeks old. The little monster is pretty cute and we are so grateful that he is healthy.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh fussy baby, I'll do anything to make you happy!

We had a nice visit from Aunt Sandy yesterday. It was great to have an extra set of hands. Bryce got some new dangly toys so he can start his development. I think it wore him out. Surprisingly, Bryce slept good last night after sleeping from 2 pm to 7 pm, he still slept from 8:45 pm to 12:45 am. Then he was up about every two hours after that. For some reason I am extra tired and we kept going back to sleep until 8 am. At 6 am Bryce wanted to be up, but I put him in the bassinet pulled right up to the bed and read to him from my book. I fell fast asleep, I hope he did too. Then we got up and Bryce got his first real bath, since he finally lost his stinky belly button. We are supposed to bath him every 2-3 days, and we have only bathed him 3 times so far. He was quiet for the bath, he probably knew how freaked out I was of him slipping out of my hands. After the bath, the crying started again. We packed up and headed to the nearest Starbucks drive through. I didn't care that there was 10 cars in line He cried as I flipped through the channels, classical no, country no, AC/DC no, the Police...quiet. Ahhh. Now he is sacked out in the Ergo Baby, but I am pretty sure he won't let me put him down. The to do list is out the window, and I am going to spend the day trying to keep Bryce from crying. I think Kitty and Tarn agree, their ears probaby really hurt.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bryce 1st Hike

Bryce first hike to Snow Mountain. He slept through the whole thing. I wonder how many more hikes Bryce will sleep through. It looks like I am sleeping, but it is just bright. I wish I was sleeping right now. We had 11:45, 2 am, 4 am, 6 am feedings. We must be having a growth spurt or maybe we are paying for how many times we said it has been easier than we thought.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Other Cutie

I guess I am going a little stir crazy since I have started to mess with the animals. Kitty is acting like everything is back to normal and he even started cuddling with me again. Tarn is a little annoyed with our lack of hiking. Since today is my last official day of "bed rest", I am going to take advantage of it watch a bunch of tv shows on dvd while Damon paints the fence. Then we are talking about a babies first hike. It will be short, but will be nice to get outside. We have been having problems between 8 pm and 12 am getting the baby to fall asleep. We tried sleeping in the bedroom Friday night, with no luck since there are more props in the living room to keep the baby from crying. The exercise ball and the ergo baby. Last night was no exception until we broke down and gave Bryce a pacifier. It was like baby crack and he went right to sleep, with only night time feedings and changes to get up for. I happily slept in my own bed for the first time in a long time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pretty Cute

It is so much more fun having a cute baby to play with when you are stuck at home with nothing to do instead of being 40+ weeks pregnant with nothing to do. No heartburn! I only have 19 more days to be a stay at home mom.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


After force feedings for the weekend, Bryce went to the doctor and weighed in at 9 lbs. So no more force feedings, he can eat when he wants to. Unfortunately, last night he wanted to eat from 2:30 am to 5:30 am, so I got my first real taste of being tired like a new parent should. Fortunately, between Damon and my parents being here I got a couple of hours of sleep this morning. Here is Bryce having some Kitty time.

Monday, September 7, 2009


It took 2 diaper changes both with pee in the air and 2 feedings to get Bryce calm enough to take this shot. This is for Jon and Heather on a bus to Boston, with a cold and 3 weddings to shoot in 10 days. All I gotta do is lay on the couch and feed the baby.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Today's Video

Everyone has settled in a little. Damon, Bryce, Tarn and Kitty are all napping in the living room watching a movie. We had a big outing to Target to buy some supplies we needed for bottle feeding. Yesterday we enjoyed a visit from the McIntyre family and today just Janice came over while the boys slept.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Our Little Drama King

Everything is all drama for Bryce. At least he is telling us what he wants. We took him in to get him weighed and it turns out he is loosing too much weight so we are on a super feeding plan of every two hours and have to bring him back tomorrow. We are going to work hard to avoid formula but we will do what we have to do. They gave us some tips and put him on a plan. We are already on a plan - sheesh (that is what Sue would say). Animal update: Tarn barked in the living room and Damon kept going to see what he wanted, he finally figured out Kitty was in the bassinet and Tarn was tattling.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's all an act

We are home from the hospital, finally. And we made it through our first night at home. I am pretty sure I said about 50 times in the last few months "after the last year, how hard can it be to take care of a baby". Come to find out... During the day, it is easy to keep your cool and the Bryce seems like he is pretty mellow. Then as soon as it is bedtime comes all hell breaks loose. How do you do that stupid swaddle again? Which soon ends up with everyone in tears trying to do that stupid swaddle for hours. It was like baby a store exploded. Where is a newborn t-shirt, how do we not have a single newborn t shirt in all this stuff. About 3 am we got smart and threw in the video "Happiest Baby on the Block" and finally figured out how to swaddle. That left us sleeping from about 4 to 8:30 am. I am just glad I have pain meds to get through this. Poor Damon, life is hard.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Damon and Baby Bryce

Here's Baby Bryce

Here's Me.

We made it!! Somehow we made it through a scheduled induction starting on Saturday morning August 29th at 5 am and ending August 31st at 10:20 am with a c-section that delivered a happy and healthy Bryce weighing 8 lbs 11 oz. Somehow we made it through 52 plus hours of labor. When we started our journey trying to do a "natural birth" we probably should have realized that our plans had changed when Bryce went to almost 42 weeks. But everything is a process to be learned from. Damon and I are still speaking to each other and he was the most amazing doula that anyone could ask for. Today is his birthday and since I am on lockdown at the hospital, he will have to take Bryce as his one day early birthday present. Happy Birthday Damon. Bryce came out amazing alert and active for everything he endured, lots of poking a prodding. We are so happy to have him join us. Thank you to all who waited patiently with us!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Baby Bryce will be born by....Sunday or Monday
We are hoping that he will come on his own before our scheduled 5 am induction on Saturday
He is showing some signs of wanting to be born, however nothing major
I woke up to a contraction last night and found Kitty sleeping on my belly
Oh Kitty
Yesterday we had a non stress test
Bryce passed
It was a rather confusing event since there is a definate communication gap with us and our medtech
Plus, I hadn't researched the test with my usual internet vigor
Note to self, know what you are getting into
The test started in a double room with recliner and two belts
One to measure contractions and one to measure Bryce's heart rate
Our medtech turned to me when we walked in the room "someone forgot to change their diaper"
Yup the room stunk, but the dirty diaper toddler provided some entertainment
Then I got hooked up and no explanation other than the baby needs to move and if he doesn't then we'll wake him up with cold water
Nothing no movement, no contractions
I entertained Damon by rubbing the spots on your shins that make contractions come
It works, wierd
Then they gave me some water, I gave it to Damon and put my hypnosis tapes on the ipod and leaned back in the chair
Contractions started immediately and the Bryce started dancing and his heart rate raised 15 beats twice in 20 minutes - he passed
Damon did great as the 4 different people came in and checked the strip and tried to talk to me with the ipod on...
Lets hope baby Bryce comes today or tomorrow and saves me the 24+ hour ordeal of an induction

Friday, August 21, 2009

Top 10 Reasons it is time for Bryce to come

10. All the things, I would normally do on a day off are pretty much off limits
9. I am starting to think about cleaning out the cupboards, but don't want to create a mess
8. All of my maternity shirts are stained
7. I don't think I can bare to go to water aerobics again and have everyone groan with sympathy
6. There are too many "Judge Shows" on television in the middle of the day
5. I am sick of the doctors office
4. People have started to say "You look miserable, instead of you don't look miserable enough"
3. None of the natural induction methods are fun when you are 40 weeks + 5
2. None of the medical induction methods are fun and some are dangerous
1. We want to meet him!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Today is the big day!!

Bryce's "guess date" and the last day of school. Four IQ tests got done and videotaped in the last two weeks (thanks to Luke and Max my brilliant subjects), 4 reports got written and two tests got taken. We had one crisis on Friday which included a trip to the doctor after a fear of leaking amniotic fluid. My midwife was on an emergency aka a birth. Gotta love that, your appointment is cancelled because there is an emergency. Then I got the overzealous OB two weeks into his first job. He had me worked up with about a 1000$ worth of tests and I was told I could be there all day for more tests including taking a jug home to pee in for 24 hours. That sounded fun. Then a half hour later, he was like "you can go". Okay, I guess everything was fine. Today started out with a bang. Damon was carrying my 4 bags out that I have to take to the tricities. I was following him out in my argyle bright blue and green boxers and bright yellow holey tshirt, when our neighbor (that waters for us) turned the corner. "When is the baby coming?" she asked. "Today is his due date!". Her dog wrapped his leash around Damon. "Are you going to the hospital?" "No school". We should have said the hospital to explain my cute outfit. Damon and I shoved our head in the car and couldn't stop laughing. Tonight I am going to celebrate by going to the grocery store and driving an electric cart. I am so excite!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tarn gets a new outfit

The big news of the day is Tarn is getting shaved. I may have to pull all the camera equipment out of the birth bag to show you his new outfit, but that will probably be too much work. So you will have to imagine a skinny, fuzzy, white embarrassed Tarn. We are down to a few days left until the babies ETA and there are no signs of him. That is good since I have a few more things to do...Here is a video of Tarn enjoying his new do. I guess he whined like a baby and acted mad at doggie daycare after his cut. But he bounced around the yard and even dug up one of his chew toys. He seems to like all of the attention he is getting from Damon, Kitty and I.
Surprise #1, the black stripe down his back.
Surprise #2 he looks like a goat.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 38

0 babies born yet
2 weeks of school to go
0 jobs
1 new car
1 successful ultrasound with no problems and no reason to bug baby Bryce
2 weeks of 100 degree plus weather
1 hospital bag half packed
75 oz of water drank today
2 nights without Damon (party!)
1 dog with worms

Friday, July 24, 2009


I didn't know what heart burn was until about 2 months ago. It is lame and I feel so bad for people that have it all the time. At first I tried not to take anything - you know the whole medication is bad - unless it makes you sleep, of course. Everyone else that was pregnant seemed to take it in huge doses, so eventually I started taking it too. The ARNP (medication prescriber) at my work was the first pusher of TUMS. So I started taking it a little, then I asked the midwife and she said you have to take it or you will damage your esophogus and you will have it permanently. So that started my love/hate relationship with TUMS. It is pretty gross, but seems to work. Which brings me to Safeway at noon yesterday. I was getting lunch at the deli and I was paying for it with my TUMS and Gatorade (staying hydrated is a huge chore). They needed a price check for the TUMS, so they pick up the phone and call for a price check. Out scurries this little old man, with a limp and a neon vest. He snatches my box of TUMS and scurries away. Then I am left there at the front of the line, I have already scanned my card, and the deli worker is staring at me. The machine is beeping for me to confirm the purchase and a lunch rush line is forming behind me. I keep looking for the little man and counting to ten, the man never comes back. I waited what seemed like 10 minutes with anxiety building, until I finally let go of the dream of having TUMS and let the deli worker off the hook, paid for my items minus the TUMS and went to work.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

For Jon

Who liked to watch me take vitamins because I always gag over the sink....I spent the morning throwing up because of a dang vitamin, in the sink, in the toilet. Then I had to go give my 3rd presentation in 10 days. It is over. I would celebrate with Janice's dress if I had more than 2 of sleep. 2 more hours and I will be one class closer to being done...besides the coloring.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tarn met a baby

Our friends came over with their little miracle born at 28 weeks
Tarn promptly brought out all of his stuffed toys to show the baby
Then he tried to put his bone under the baby
After the baby left he looked all over to see where the baby went
I can't wait to see how Tarn reacts to baby Bryce

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I now think of cleaning the house as a form of exercise
Yesterday I took the elevator instead of the stairs for the first time
(today, I am back to the stairs)
2 years ago we went to Mexico on vacation, last year it was hiking in the Sawtooths, this year it is two nights in Walla Walla for the sweet onion festival
Walla Walla has a dog park and a hotel that allows dogs and has a pool
Jon and Heather came for a visit and we got to go to the folklife festival It was a treat to spend the day with them.
We walked to the festival, then Damon showed up with the car so we got a ride home
Jon and Heather in the back with Tarn
Heather brought the baby the cutest cat doll, which has already been used to scare the real cat and Tarn went to his toy box and pulled out his similar looking Monkey to play with
I think we were supposed to train Tarn about the baby toys
Too late
He is so good with kids, so hopefully it will just transfer to the baby

Friday, July 10, 2009


3 weeks left of work part time work (20 hours a week)
3 weeks left of professional practice class
2 weeks left of neuropsychology class
3 presentations to do
2 classes to start and finish (cognitive lecture and lab)
Lots of papers and assignments to finish
5 weeks and 4 days until baby estimated arrival
Belly only needs to stretch 6 more cm from bottom to top

What are your thoughts on a group weigh at the doctor's office and being asked if you have any burning or itching in front of the group? I will never cease to be amazed. Damon won't even let me put the other conversation with the medical tech on here because he thinks it is too controversial. Going to the doctor's is like Saturday Night Live. In the waiting room, two year old twins started beating up a two year without a twin. No they weren't wearing gang colors.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Here we go...

6:30 listen to hypnobabies CD
7:00 breakfast get ready
8:00 pick up ASB card for WSU
8:05 got to YVCC lab to get a login for computer

  • Lab meanie: How do I know your a student?
  • Me: I just picked up this card, I was told I needed.
  • Lab meanie: That card doesn't tell me anything
  • Me: They told me this is the card I needed, I just went and got it.
  • Lab meanie: What was the name of the person who gave it to you? I know they aren't here yet?
  • Me: I don't know their name. They left it on the desk for me. (thought: are you kidding me?)
  • Lab meanie: You need to put away your drink. I don't know that you are a student.
  • Me: Okay, here they gave me this card the other day, I think it has a date (thought: you're stupid)
  • Lab meanie: That is what I need.
8:10 class
11:30 fingerprinting
1:00 work
6:30 breast feeding class (last class, I almost lost it because I was so tired, Damon said that I should leave before I lose it...he got out of coming to this class)
9:00 bed

It is 9:30 am, I hope I make it.....and there are no more meanies

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hooray for Grandparents!

My parents came again and did so much around the house. They painted and rearranged our bedroom and put in an air conditioning unit. Thanks Linda and Dan for the air conditioner. Our bedroom is so comfy - I slept until 2 pm on Sunday (I did get up and eat). Then they put a fan in our bathroom and painted. We are still working on finishing it up, but the paint looks so good. My mom even mowed our dirt patch in the back and I am thinking about having an ugly yard party. Damon's parents sent us a nice package of baby stuff. Everything is so cute! Damon's mom also sent me money to get a massage for my birthday. It took me forever, but I finally scheduled one. They took our insurance, so I got a prescription from the Midwife for 5 massages. Now every time I go to the doctor's I have a massage scheduled afterwards. This is my last week with no doctor's appointments. Starting next week, if I am lucky, I will have one a week. I have started doing prenatal water aerobics. It feels so good to get outside and be in the water. Basically you jump around in the water for 45 minutes and talk about the name of your baby and what week you are on, ect. The coolest part is that everyone has a twin bathing suit since there is only one maternity store in town. My twin hasn't been there the last few times. You become best friends with your twin. Things should be really busy from now until baby day. Class started yesterday, which drops me down to part time at work. That is good other than having to drive down everyday. I'll try to stay current on the blog, but no promises. 7 weeks and counting to baby Bryce!

Monday, June 15, 2009

3 weekends without school

Last weekend, I got to spend some time with the Mims, the Tschimperles, and the Sabaris and their band of crazy boys. It is so fun to see all of their personalities. I am so excited to have our own to come and play. After leaving there, I was so tired and all I did was sit in the sun. Jill and Todd are lucky to have such a great place to go and spend time. This first weekend of no school was not so exciting. The house got cleaned after 3 weeks of dirt. And Damon cleaned the garage. This was a huge accomplishment, since it has been almost 4 years of opening the door and throwing things in. If I wasn't so lazy, I would go out and take a picture. Today marks 32 weeks of being pregnant, which translates to 8 months and 9 more weeks to go. We did the hospital tour. We are really lucky here to have a hospital (3 minutes away) with lots of birthing suites and two jacuzzis. It is just funny what your mind does. When they talked about jacuzzis, I pictured a big room with a full size hot tub that you would be hanging out in. It is similar to the bathtub jacuzzi that Mom and Dad have. Nice, but not where you would want to spend tons of time. Then the room is like a nice hotel room, with this little tiny bed in the middle that you hopefully flop around on and then a baby comes out. If you really want some good people watching, you can hang out in the waiting room. I am making jokes about it, but we are really pretty lucky to be so close to a good hospital. Our last doctors appointment went really well. They remembered how many weeks I was pregnant (yay), even knew what tests I had done (yay) and the results. We were in and out in under a half hour. And the midwife lets her patients eat, at least until you throw up. I guess there is one birthing room with a squat bar and birthing chair that only her and another doctor at the clinic patients use and so there is a good chance we'll get it. She does 10-15 births a month. That seems like a lot to me. August is a big month for babies - so hopefully we won't have to have the baby in the hallway. At that point we can just turn around and go home.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Old pics of Tarn and Kitty. I finally know where I will be next year. My internship is secured and paid, in Sunnyside. It starts October 1st. I AM SO EXCITED. I am sure it will be a challenging year, but that always seems to be a good thing for me. So I will be winding down my current job, sadly in some ways and happily in others. At least, I will be close, so I will still have those supportive coworkers to chat with regularly. This summer I will be taking 4 classes which I think adds up to something like 12 quarter credits and 3 semester credits. But that will only be with part-time working until August and then no working until October. The baby is totally on board to be born a couple of days after school ends (August 17th). We have agreed on the 20th. As a side note, after struggling to get medical bills paid by insurance, we are now receiving checks on a regular basis from one of our insurance companies. I don't know how that works, but I am trying to decide how to spend the windfall.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

We road the canyon for a day this year. As a big treat, my parents and aunt joined me slowly make my way through the canyon. This is one of my favorite things because it is so beautiful. Mom and I made it about 9 miles in and back, which I considered pretty good. And dad made it all the way to the end, 35 miles. It was HOT and the baby started getting really really uncomfortable the last few miles, but we did it. Next year we (or Damon) will be pulling the baby and I will either be happily riding on tandem or on my own. I can't wait. Join us next year, it is my favorite Yakima event.

It is never too late to remember Girl's weekend on Orcas Island, where one picture of big sunglasses is never enough, and one picture of Suzy is never enough. This year was filled again, with crafting, laughing, and junking. We had three pregnant people this year and are wondering what the ratio will be next year. NOT IT! Of course I was sad my favorite life of the party was missing, but that will make next time all the more special. Kate - thank your mom again for her hospitality!! I love the next picture.

Last night we went to our first birthing class. It is early, but the class was being taught for the last time. We felt like we stepped into the movie set of Juno, with pregnant teenagers in polka dots and all. I am pretty sure there was also a gangster present (rat tail and all). We learned a little and felt really uncomfortable a lot. The most disturbing thing I learned is when you are at the hospital you aren't allowed to eat or drink anything but water and popsicles. Me - "that is stupid, I didn't climb mount rainier on popsicles, let's give birth at home"...Damon - "my friend at work gave birth at home and could only find someone to attend in the TriCities. they didn't make it in time. no way." So hospital and starvation it is.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I passed again!

Yesterday marks the beginning of the 3rd and final trimester. It was a date marked by writing a paper and mowing the lawn. I should be so lucky that I feel good enough to mow the lawn. Friday we looked at day cares. We got on waiting lists and saw one freaky place. Saturday was spent again taking the 3 hour glucose test. I found out today that I passed again. I didn't care as much other than avoiding additional doctor appointments that usually cause me to get anxious and some sort of illness. During the glucose test I went and got a swimsuit. IT is ugly, but then we went to the tricities and went swimming. I still haven't gotten up the courage to head to prenatal water aerobics, but I packed my swimsuit today and then didn't go. Sunday we cleaned all afternoon. The couches got shampooed and Tarn has been permanently (at least when we're around) sent to the floor. Really this weekend goes up there in the top 10 of fun-ness!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Such cuties!!!

Janice came to visit with Micah (3.5) and Sawyer (10 months). I think she secretly wanted to give me a taste of what it is like to have kids. It is pretty exhausting. The boys are so good though. Micah helps entertain Sawyer and plays nicely by himself and with others. Sue and Harper came over for a visit too. Harper brought along his red purse filled with Harmonicas. Then we went to the Red Gallery where the boys painted and played. We also went to 3 different playgrounds. We tried out all the good stuff my Mom purchased for the baby. Staying home with kids looks like a lot more work than actually going to work. Both Janice and Sue are supermoms.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Babies room complete!

And it matches my blog colors and Damon's new biking suit. Thanks to my MOM and DAD who painted the room, finished and brought all of the great baby items. They worked like maniacs to get a bunch of stuff done around our house. It was a nice treat for me to be told to go take a nap! There is a picture of the baby, too. We have a VHS of the ultrasound. I am sure you are interested!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's a Boy!!!!

My parents are here and it looks like a baby store blew up in my house. There is everything for a new baby. My mom is busy painting the baby's room a bright lime green and my dad is fixing the bathroom tile. I am bored. That should be music to my ears. I have some school work I could do, but I am taking a one weekend break from school. I'll pay later, I am sure. But the books for my class haven't arrived yet. Darn. April is finally here. The month of all good things. The nursery getting done, a quick visit home for Easter, GIRLS WEEKEND!!!, Janice visit with kids and the ultrasound of a healthy (as far as they can tell) baby. I guess I need to start listening to those hypnobirthing CD's. I'll start Monday. I have been looking into donating the cord blood from the baby so that is exciting too!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ultrasound Done

No pics since we don't have a scanner. We do have nice VHS of it, if anyone has a VCR anymore. The ultrasound went really well and the baby has all of it's parts and appears healthy. The due date is again changed back to August 17th or 18th. So if it comes on time, it will be born on my last day of class. This will give me more time at home with the baby, so I hope it comes exactly on it's due date. Probably not, but we can always hope. The doctor seemed really competent so that made up for the medical tech trying to tell me to go take the test I described two posts ago. "No really, I already took it and got the results. Does anyone know what is going on around here?" On our way to the ultrasound, we again talked about switching providers. "If the doctor doesn't make a good impression we aren't coming back..." He seemed fine, so I guess that means if we stay and I have to have a C-section we are in good hands. We also found out that the protein in my urine from last time was probably just a contaminated a test, so I didn't need to be gorging myself on eggs and peanuts all day. And....I know what we are having. The doctor wrote it on a piece of paper for mom. Then when I picked up the paper, I could see through the paper. I am a little disappointed (with knowing), but it makes things simpler.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

More good news!

The house appraised at 120% what we owe. No more PMI and a 4.5 interest rate. Yahoo! Maybe we will be able to afford day care.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I passed!

A blood test. About a week and a half ago I failed my glucose test. It was a shock, I really still don't believe it. I can eat sugar with the best of them. Basically, you get to drink a really nasty sugar drink and sit for an hour then they take blood. It pretty much sucks. And then the results came back that I failed. So for failing you get to be really lucky and drink a twice as nasty sugar drink, give blood every 3 hours while sitting in a doctor's office. In order to avoid missing more work than I have lately I went to a clinic in the bad part of town that is open on Saturday's. I was told to get there early and get as close to the front of the line since my test took 3 hours and they are only open 4 hours. So as soon as people started lining up, I jumped in line, number 3. Well, eventually there isn't really a line, just a mob. I still ended up near the front. But by the time they figured out my insurance, I was like number 10. Then they take you back in a big group to give labs. I got called back pretty quick since my test would take 3 hours. They take blood first. And then they give you this nasty drink. I am pounding it as fast as possible. They tell you to do that because it makes you less sick. And you have to be fasting to take this stupid test. They're pretty concerned that you are going to get sick and throw up. Other people told me if you throw up, it is an automatic failure, then off to being a high risk pregnant person with more stupid doctor's appointment. There was no way I was going to throw up. Then the lady starts bringing in other people to take their blood, right in front of me. That will make me puke, I hate the sight of blood. Anyhow, I made it through the awful Saturday. Today I found out I passed and my numbers are even low. So if you ever have to take the first stupid glucose test, don't eat breakfast. Now I am free to binge on candy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big giant blog slacker!

I haven't even read anyone else's blogs lately because I have been feeling so guilty about being such a blog slacker. Not sure if I want to cut the blog out of my life or if I have just been way to busy with school, work, being sick, homework and a bunch of other stuff that isn't getting done around the house. Somehow I have to write a big important paper this weekend and get the house clean and ready for an appraisal. I am sure somehow it will all get done, but everything has felt really overwhelming lately. I can't wait to finish this month. I know your not supposed to wish your life away, but I am so sick of spending every minute on the weekends doing homework or feeling guilty for not doing homework. Yuck. Looking so forward to having some guilt free fun again (21 days to go)! On a positive note, I know I have a lot of support out there so even though it is all overwhelming, your cheering for me right? Can't wait to dig out of this hole and actually visit with friends and family again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We're not the John and Kate plus 8

Darn it! I was hoping for at least a two for one for all this torture. But we only have one. We happily witnessed the heartbeat and found out I am really only 7 weeks and 4 days along. I am sure the midwife is wrong and we are right. We also had a super fun trip to Leavenworth where we spent the majority of the time catching up on television shows. Not having TV makes staying in a hotel so much more fun. We did peak out to go snowshoeing with our friends Sean and Sherilyn. The two hour flat snowshoe turned into a two hour straight up snowshoe. It was very fun and I felt very good. We came back Sunday rested, but it is only Tuesday and I already feel crazy. Deep breathe I can do it only 4 more days.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This blog is going to become about...

How freaking tired I am! How boring! Maybe I will come up with something more interesting to write. I am sitting in my second night of class and my eyes sting. Truthfully they have been stinging since 5 am body pump. And I am hungry. Does this prof really have to keep talking until 8:30 tonight? I hope not. Torture. Seriously.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Charge the Camera!

We have had 4 days off. It was especially needed for me. Damon probably thinks that no one could sleep as much as me! Today I got up at 5 am, ate, went back to sleep, got up at 8:30, went snowshoeing for 2 hours. Went back to sleep from 12:30 to 3:00. Now I have officially been up for 3 hours, we even made it to the grocery store. Snowshoeing was beautiful. Tarn loved it, especially when we ran into a snowman someone had made, he ran back and hid behind us. Of course the camera was not charged to catch it on film. Tarn is funny and hopefully tired enough to not get a walk tomorrow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Of course, I am glad to see 2008 go. Bye horrid president, bye horrid economy, hello 2009! Personally, 2008 was a very good year. Family and friends are healthy!!! And so far everyone seems to be weathering the economic crisis - knock on wood. I have been able to manage a full time job and school without too much chaos - knock on wood. We got new hardwood floors, french doors, built a patio and tiled the bathroom. (okay Dad did most of it and the baseboards aren't up, the bathroom still is in shambles, and the patio didn't really turn out - I think it is the thought that counts). Damon and I have both been exercising on a regular basis. And we are excited to be welcoming a new baby - knock on wood - this August. Therefore, I am not making any New Year's Resolutions this year - if I can maintain, I'll be in good shape, and if I can't then I can't - so be it. Happy New Years! Let this be the best year yet...and maybe even the blog will get updated every once in awhile.