Thursday, January 24, 2008

Puppy Rescue

Yesterday was a good day and I hate Wednesdays - day of many meetings. When I got to work a coworker recruited me to go save a puppy. It has been really cold. Today it is 11 degrees. So we went and drove along the farm road where my coworder had seen the puppy. We spotted the little black lab/farm dog mix curled up in the long grasses. I scooped up the puppy and got to hold it all the way to Vets. The vet took the puppy and will give it to the rescue people. At the vet there was a little rat dog dressed in two shirts that hopped up on the counter to say "Hi" and accidentally dialed the telephone. All of the happened and I was only able to miss 15 minutes of meetings. Today I barely dragged myself out of bed. 5 AM has turned into 5:30 AM and I did get a workout in this morning. The angel and devil were working overtime - get up, don't get up. I am happy to say the angel won or I won. I always feel so much better. Maybe tomorrow it will be 5 AM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to get out of bed when it is cold. You have to keep your living room or bathroom warm and leave your clothes for the next day in that room. Then, it's not so terrible to get out of bed and leave the bedroom. Sounds easy, but I don't know if it will help. I hate being cold.