Thursday, March 13, 2008

Burning Rice Krispy Treats

We have been crazy lately, that probably sounds like little dramatic, especially to all you that have kids. It is a little dramatic-but having not had a day at home, means the house is dirty and I am drinking yesterdays coffee that was actually dripped for the second day. Yuck. But we had a baby shower/potluck at work and so on the way home I got to stop at Target. Target in Yakima is a great people watching affair. In the morning, I started making rice krispie treats. Of course I was doing too many things at once and burnt them. They went to work anyway and they all were eaten. Of course, I probably ate half of them. Yum.


corylk said...

Your rice Krispy Treats photo makes me feel sick.


Anonymous said...

You inspired me to make rice krispy treats this weekend for the first time in my life. I didn't have enough rice krispies so they are a bit gooey but still just a yummy as I remember. And, get this, Micah did not like them! What kind of kid does not like RK treats? Something is wrong...