Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Girls weekend starts for me in 48 hours. I can't wait to get on the airporter and sit and watch out the window as the cars go by. Then one of the car loads (hopefully) will pick me up at Seatac. It will be so full with junk there will hardly be room. It is raining here. Damon accuses me of loving it (I do) and the cold weather (I do). Scorching hot is on its way and then it is just miserable everywhere. Too cold inside at work and you feel like such a jerk turning on the heater because the air conditioner is too cold.
I went to the dentist yesterday. It has been a long time since I have gone. I had to get an hour worth of xrays and I kept gagging. Then the xray taker and I would laugh. At one point I started to panic, which is when it pays to spend your day telling people "it is only your body going into to fight or flight and releasing adrenaline. You have to take deep breathes to get more oxygen in your blood to get rid of some of that adrenaline (I learned the last part yesterday in the carpool)" and "what thoughts are you having, you think you are going to embarrass yourself by panicking or crying, so what if that happens, you will still live". I wish I could tell my mind to shut up.
I have two cavities. I am counting that as a success after such a long hiatus from the dentist. He said I have nice "Gig Harbor teeth" as I am apologizing for how dirty they are.
And one final thought - all you stupid football players with multiple personalities could you just keep that to yourself? That would make my life so much better.

1 comment:

One Love Photo said...

I've missed you! Thanks for the morning giggle. I just laughed out loud in my cubicle and now everyone knows I am not on task. I also gag and panic at the dentist. I can picture you there, gagging, crying and laughing. Kind of like your wedding!