This is a plant, maybe a cactus outside Death Valley. It was taken at Devil's hole. We went looking for this "devil" hole in the desert. It turned out to be a cave with a cage over it. It really wasn't that cool, but the cactus was. I found the picture on my old computer - dragged out of the garage because hours after I wrote the last post the laptop just died. Dead, no lights, no nothing, and again nothing backed up. I keep threatening to throw it on the ground and smash it. Stupid computer. Stupid Walmart where I bought it. It was an impulse purchase anyway I should have done my research. My parents were here this week putting in French doors - actually a big dog door. Thanks Mom and Dad. Happy Father's day DAD! Go here to see construction.
Here are funny pictures that I found on my old computer. Notice Kitty and Tarn's matching outfits.
Oh I love it! It looks so good! Can I borrow Ron and Carla to help us out? I am hoping that I get a ( I got laid off) bench and trellis for the back yard as a gift from Jon and my Dad (fingers crossed). I am hoping for a little sympathy work out of them. Your parents are pretty awesome Cory! Good work guys!
Well done! I love a good home improvement project. I hate doing them at the time, but I love them when they're done!
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